Friday, February 11, 2011

another adventure

Stopped by Momma's on the way to work this morning. Had to empty the litter box again, full of TP, again. Also, lit the stove in the bathroom and the one in the bedroom. Both rooms were like iceboxes. I asked Momma why the fire was out in her room. She told me she never uses that stove. Aargh. I put her pension check in the laptop case so someone could take her to the bank to cash it.
Bob stopped by my work and I made him take me out to lunch. We went to Applebees and I ordered a new shrimp dish that has bokchoy, pea pods, whole wheat pasta and other goodies. Maybe cilantro, maybe not.
Anyway, I had just started eating when I got a phone call from my friend Jenny. She had seen Momma crossing Grand Central up by 46th street, in the middle of the block.
We called the waitress over and I packed up my lunch, had Bob drop me at work to get my car and went out looking for her. I didn't see her up Grand Central anywhere. I called Bob and asked him to stop by the house to see if she had turned around and gone home, happened to look up 47th Street as I passed it, and saw her way up the road. I pulled a u-turn as soon as I could and went up to 47th and 8th Avenue.
She was relieved to see me. The first thing she said was "Mom's baby sister died." Well, I thought she had gone completely around the bend with that remark. But, it turns out Mary Patterson had called and told her that her aunt had died, and her aunt was 2 years younger than her. So, she was completely coherent, just lost in Vienna. I think she was looking for Loretta's old house and just couldn't remember where it was.
I took her home and Sophia got there as I was leaving. I didn't see her, but she saw me and was trying to figure out what was going on. Many texts and phone calls later, Sophia took her to the bank and out to eat. Mom tried to leave a 30 dollar tip at Bob Evans and got irate with Sophia about it.
I got to finish my lunch after work. It was delish. I'll order it the next time I go there. Maybe it'll be a nice relaxing time.

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